High Standards Handbag Manufacturing.

Our handbags are manufactured by multiple strict procedures and close quality control, then only the best are selected to sell around the world. We are excelsior so you can shop confidently.

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Strict Handbag Production Processes & Standards

When selecting a handbag, you may firstly consider what the material the handbag is made from and how long is the service life of the bag. Because it has often been said that your fabric is your bag. The selection of fabric frequently directly affects the quality of bags. As one of the leading wholesale handbag suppliers in China, COMELYBAGS adopts strict control over the selection of fabric. A large number of high-quality waterproof fabrics, genuine leather, flax, nylon, and other raw materials are used in the production process. At the same time, we establish a strict quality supervision system and acquire the Certificate of ISO2001 Quality Management System to ensure the handbags manufactured by COMELYBAGS is strong enough to last many years. Besides, to offer a better user experience for our buyers, we set up our independent design team to create a lot of unique bag design and acquire independent copyright. We always believe that as long as we keep improving our customers will give our brand the value it deserves


Large-scale Factory, Warehouse & Advanced Complete Equipment

Our factory has a warehouse with large capacity and the workshop that can accommodate at least 50pcs sewing machine, 10pcs lockstitch sewing machine, 10pcs cylinder bed sewing machine, 5pcs pattern sewing machine, and much other equipment. 

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Awards Certification & Quality Certification

LIKEWIND Certification

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